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XML Workshop

  • 07 Nov 2011
  • 9:00 AM
  • 08 Nov 2011
  • 5:00 PM
  • Howard University's Founders Library (500 Howard Place, NW, Washington, DC 20059)
  • 3


Registration is closed
XML Workshop with Matthew Gibson

Introductory Class - Monday, Nov. 7, 2011
Intermediate Class - Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011
9 AM - 5 PM
Howard University
Louis Stokes Health Science Library
Kaplan Computer Lab (Ground Floor)
501 W Street NW
Washington, DC 20059

Matthew Gibson, an experienced XML instructor and developer, is Director of Digital Programs at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities at the University of Virginia.  This workshop will explore XML with a specific focus on fundamentals of design, markup, and use.  The workshop will take the student through building a document in XML, validating that document, and transforming that document into another format for the public user.

Topics to be covered include:

Day One
  • XML: What is it?  What's the difference between XML and HTML? And why as librarians should we care about XML?
  • Understanding XML validation: What is it, and why is it important?
  • Strategies and decisions in XML markup.
Day Two
  • Content transformation (using XSLT and XPath) to enable XML that we build to be read and used in a variety of formats by our potential users.
Additional Information:

Directions:  Howard University and the Louis Stokes Health Science Library are within walking distance of the Shaw-Howard Univ. Metro station on the Yellow Line.  Due to limited on-campus parking availability, public transportation is highly recommended.  Driving and Metro directions are available here.

A campus map with the location of Health Science Library is available here: Howard University Campus Map

It may be possible to secure a temporary parking permit by contacting Andrew Sulavik ( with your vehicle information.  Otherwise, if you plan on driving please review the on-campus parking policies prior to arrival and make arrangements accordingly.

Lunch:  Attendees are responsible for their own lunch and refreshments.  A map and list of local lunch options will be available at the workshop.

Refunds: PTPL's refund policy can be found here.

For questions about registration or to be placed on a wait list, please contact
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